Don't judge a fish by its cover


The least attractive tropical fish have a functional richness on average 33% greater than those considered to be the most beautiful, a study carried out by ecologists from CNRS, the Université de Montpellier, Andromède Océanolgie and the Centre universitaire de Mayotte has found. Our perception of beauty in living things may bias our understanding of ecological diversity. This study sheds light on what motivates us to preserve biodiversity. It received funding from CNRS1 and the Fondation de France. Results appear in the 6 August 2018 edition of Scientific Reports.


Poissons tropicaux
© Thomas Claverie.


  • 1The PEPS Programme (for initial support exploratory projects) of CNRS

Confronting species aesthetics with ecological functions in coral reef fish. Anne-Sophie Tribot, Quentin Carabeux, Julie Deter, Thomas Claverie, Sébastien Villéger, Nicolas Mouquet. Scientific Reports, august, 6, 2018
DOI : 10.1038/s41598-018-29637-7



Nicolas Mouquet
CNRS researcher, Scientific Director of the FRB's Cesab
Priscilla Dacher
Deputy head of CNRS press office