The CNRS to provide scientific steering for the first global seaweed coalition

Institutional matters

What if seaweed helped save our planet? The CNRS, the Lloyd’s Register Foundation, and The United Nations Global Pact (UNGC) have partnered to launch the Safe Seaweed Coalition, the first international institution dedicated to developing the potential of seaweed. The goal is to expand seaweed farming and its use in the food, agricultural, medical, cosmetics, and materials sectors, all while responding to environmental and climate concerns. The CNRS will provide scientific steering for the project,1 and will distribute the over 2.8 million euros that the Lloyd’s Register Foundation provided to finance research projects, with the first call for proposals planned for June 2021. The Safe Seaweed Coalition will focus on three research areas: consumer safety, environmental safety, and operational safety. It was launched virtually on March 17, and could eventually include 500 partner institutions, including industrial and scientific actors, NGOs, and certification bodies.

More information on the coalition and the launch is available here.


  • 1Especially via the Roscoff Biological Station (CNRS/Sorbonne Université), internationally recognized for its research on seaweed.


Philippe Potin
CNRS researcher
François Maginiot
CNRS Press Officer