
The CNRS and enterprises

Promoting and developing research, which is to say helping transfer scientific knowledge toward society, is a CNRS mission. This is done by establishing and preserving close ties between our organisation and enterprises, in both France and abroad.

CNRS Formation entreprises

CNRS innovation

Club CNRS Enterprise

The 'Club CNRS Enterprise' offers access to a community specifically focused on partnership between academia and stakeholders from society and the business world. It hosts visits and meetings to study scientific challenges.
Learn more about the joint creation

Purchasing and relations with suppliers and subcontractors at the CNRS

At the CNRS, purchasing as well as supplier and subcontractor relations are managed by the Purchasing and Innovation Office (DDAI), in conjunction with the Accounts and Financial Information Department (DCIF), which ensures the conformity of accounting operations and the overall coherence of financial and accounting information. The DCIF’s remit notably includes:

  • The Chorus Pro electronic billing portal, which must henceforth be used by all public sector suppliers and service providers.
  • The transition to paperless for its expenditure processes, via the establishment of the Central Expenditure Processing Service (SCTD).
  • The gathering and processing of personal data.

Access supplier information:

Access the CNRS Purchasing Terms and Conditions

Crédit photo : © Christophe HARGOUES / LMGC / CNRS Images