News round-up
131 results
Head in the stars
In France, the "Nuits des étoiles" (Starry Nights) start today. This is an opportunity to discover the latest and most powerful telescopes, which…
Le Journal
French-Chinese satellite to unlock the secrets of gamma-ray bursts
On 22 June, a Chinese Long March 2C rocket launched the SVOM satellite, carrying two French-designed instruments, into orbit. The mission's goals are…
Le Journal
Astronomy through the back door
Alessandro Morbidelli is a specialist in the evolution and formation of planetary systems, and holds the planetary formation Chair at the Collège de…
Le Journal
Reaching for the Moon for the sake of humanity
The “Sanctuary on the Moon” project, launched nearly ten years ago, aims to send a collection of discs containing a vast body of knowledge and…
Le Journal
Gaia BH3, the black hole that shouldn't exist
The recent discovery of a binary system containing an extremely rare object, the most massive black hole (apart from SgrA*) ever detected in our…
Le Journal
Archaeology goes galactic
Galactic archaeology uses state-of-the-art telescopes to reconstruct the history of our Milky Way, from the Big Bang to the present day.
Le Journal
Are white holes dawning at last?
As opposed to black holes, white holes are thought to eject matter and light while never absorbing any. Detecting these as yet hypothetical objects…